

I am an artist, a mom, a wife, a writer, a teacher, a dreamer, a dog owner. I live in Wisconsin, where it is nice and cold, just like I like it. I love pie and lemons and all things cozy.

I have recently realized that I have many pieces of myself floating out there in cyber space: art sites, etsy sites, twitter, Facebook, a website, tumblr sites, Behance . . . a friend recently pointed out that there are so many pieces of me out there that I am not giving the energy of my dream anywhere specific to land.

So tonight, April 5th, 2013, I am launching Kelly in Repeat, a landing space for everything. As I pondered the name for this blog, I recalled my favorite Cheers episode in which young Woody, writes a song for his beloved, wealthy girlfriend, Kelly. Woody sits down at a grand piano, we expect something amazing, and he begins to pound on the keys and sing, “Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,” over and over again.

This week I was shopping at Target next to a toddler singing in much the same fashion as Woody. He was singing, “I don’t have a belly button, I don’t have a belly button, I don’t have a belly button,” over and over again. I guess I am a sucker for a simple mantra. Regardless, Kelly in Repeat, is simply a blog to celebrate all the different pieces of me.

I often think of something I once read about Deepak Chopra. He was asked about raising his daughters and he said that really only two things were important for them to answer. What were they good at and how could they serve? It has taken me a very long time to realize that the thing I have to give is me. Kelly, again and again.

4 Responses to About

  1. Dan Greifenkamp says:

    Hi Kelly –
    I am a former co-worker of Mark’s. I could be so bold as to say we were friends, mostly as we worked in different departments, but I just wanted you to know that I have read some of the things you have posted and written and they are emotions and thoughts and responses to his battle that I have as well and I am not nearly as eloquent as you, but I just wanted you to know that I read them, I agree with them, and thanks for putting them out there. I think of Mark and Jenny and their kids more than they will ever know. My stomp rocket for Mark gets launched as often as possible.

    like crazy,


    • Thank you, Dan. This Christmas we bought Quinn a stomp rocket and watched his face light up every time he jumped on the pedal and watched it fly to our ceiling. That glee he felt is what I think we all feel like around Mark. My hope is that throughout the coming months that enough of us hold images like that in our hearts so that we can all become collective soul mates. For the rest of my life the name on my to go cups will be Mark. Your feedback means everything.

      XOXO Kelly

  2. jgroeber says:

    Has it really been since November that you’ve written? Because this is the kind if bl-iend (blog friend) I am… It takes me 5 months to check up on you once you’ve gone missing.
    Hope all is well. You’re missed. Hopefully this means you’ve got a huge New York show in the works and your daughter has made the Olympic volleyball team. Be well, bl-iend.

  3. @jgroeber I know. NOVEMBER. Your hopes for my absence exceed reality, I’m afraid. I am “gathering” writing bits here and there, but never quite hitting submit. Life has been taken over by the dreadful word “busy.” Hopefully will return soon. Miss you too. Thanks for checking in on me.

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